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Cuban Modernism: Mid-Century Architecture 1940-1970

Deupi, Victor
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Americana: Farmhouses and Manors of Long Island

Marshall, Kyle
An atmospheric entree into Long Island's country houses from the 17th to the 20th centuries!
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Classical New York: Discovering Greece and Rome in Gotham

Macaulay-Lewis, Elizabeth
This book examines the reception and appropriation of Classical (Greco-Roman) Art and Architecture in New York from 1830-1940, including Pennsylvania Station, Rockefeller Center, the Gould Memorial Library, the proposed Civic Center (Foley Square), Federal Hall, as well as on the use of inscriptions in New York's art and architecture.
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Sunnyside Gardens: Planning and Preservation in a Historic Garden Suburb

Kroessler, Jeffrey A.
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The Shakers: History, Culture and Craft

Herzberg L
The Shakers sought to create a heaven on earth through a combination of worship, diligent work, and their handicrafts. This book showcases the furniture, textiles, tools and machinery of the Shakers. It was known to the world in twentieth century.
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Two Sides of the Border: Reimagining the Region

Bilbao, Tatiana
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Atlas of Another America - An Architectural Fiction

Krumwiede, K
A comprehensive, highly original, and also satirical contribution to an international discourse in architecture.
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Access for All: Sao Paulo's Architectural Infrastructures

Lepik, Andres
Presents Sao Paulo's prudent and inclusive policy in urban development and infrastructure planning as a prime example among mega-cities in emerging countries for how to tackle many of the major social challenges they face
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