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Architectural Theory

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Julia Morgan: An Intimate Biography of the Trailblazing Architect

Kastner, Victoria
This new biography-featuring over 150 archival images and full-color photographs printed throughout-introduces Julia Morgan as both a pioneering architect and a captivating individual.
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Theorising Architecture in Sub-Saharan Africa: Perspectives, Questions, and Concepts

Meuser, Philipp
Collection of 49 essays searching for new ways to theorise sub-Saharan African architecture, putting forward an array of heterogeneous perspectives, questioning old tropes and emerging narratives, and challenging popular concepts whilst proposing new ones.
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Artificial Intelligence and Architecture: From Research to Practice

Chaillou, Stanislas
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Nonlinear Urbanism: Towards Multiple Urban Futures

Falkeis, Anton
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Ugly, Useless, Unstable Architectures: Phase Spaces and Generative Domains

Paredes Maldonado, Miguel (University of
Ugly, Useless, Unstable traces productive intersections between architecture and the discourses of post-structuralism and new materialism.
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Constructing Building Enclosures: Architectural History, Technology and Poetics in the Postwar Era

Fordham, Clifton
Constructing Building Enclosures investigates and interrogates tensions between the disciplines of architecture and engineering as they wrestled with technology and building cultures that evolved to deliver structures in the modern era.
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In Praise of Penumbra

De Rosa, Agostino (Universita Iuav di Ve
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Documents and Histories - Women in Architecture

Bottema, Gianna
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